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Friday, September 30, 2011

Seven Things that Scare Me

In no particular order:

1. Losing loved ones
2. Heavily crowded places
3. Failure
4. People who take advantage of others or who are hurtful/inconsiderate
5. Depression
6. Losing my memory and eyesight
7. No redemption

This was a little prompt from a WOWH member, Jemmy. I was intrigued reflecting on the things that scare me, but this made me think of the many interpretations of my responses. An eye-opening experience that's for sure! What are you afraid of?

(Written 9/28/2011)


  1. I think this list sums it up pretty nicely. In some way each one talks of loss. Thanks for putting the link- somehow I missed this prompt. I may not get to many of the prompts- but I do like to at least read them. xo teri

  2. Fear itself,feeling scared frightens me.

  3. My list of fears would be very similar to yours! Just losing my memory/mind would possibly be a little higher on the list!
