Welcome to the Debut
of the August Blog Bash 2012!
I am very much excited and honored to be hosting this new feature series... and it is a great way to end the summer! This Blog Bash is an impressive talent showcase of poets, artists, and writers/authors from all walks of life. For each day of this month, one individual will be featured here on this blog, at Origami Lotus Stones, my Twitter (hashtag will be #augblogbash), my Facebook community page, and on my blog page on Writing Our Way Home. Please be patient while I post on all platforms.
**Please note that all authors/artists have given me permission to post their work on the following platforms/sites I have just mentioned. Please do not plagiarize, modify, reproduce, or distribute any work without permission from the original authors/artists. Thank you!**
If you are interested in participating in this Blog Bash, feel free to check out the details here.
Today's Feature: Teri Hoover
Teri Hoover is best known for her stunning skills and eye in photography. For instance, this photo, "Deconstructing Structure," captures a bittersweet moment Hoover shares with the viewer about her husband. The "structure" of the happy couple "deconstructs" as her husband departs to Asia. Notice the "Departing Flights" sign at the entrance of the airport as well as the darkened glass doors and windows that create a solemn appearance. Sometimes, we attach strong emotions to architecture just as Hoover does with this photo. In this case, we get a sense of longing and sadness (i. e., "I miss you. Wish you were here."). There is even a greater mystery as to the reason behind the departing. Perhaps the husband is a military personnel or on business overseas. Sometimes when a loved one leaves is when our heart grows strongly fonder, craving for that person's presence.
This photo is not exacty a haiga, but it is fairly close. I would say that this is more of a contemplative photo with words that are comforting... like a mantra. It is as if though the artist believes in finding the "light" in the midst of darkness and fear. With this "faith," words will come as a source of healing and strength; these words will "blossom." I love how vibrant these violet flowers are in this photo and how they represent those "[blossoming]" words and hope for the artist. Or, to interpret this photo in a different way, perhaps it takes a lot of courage to tell the person what we really want to say and exactly what we are thinking and feeling.
Stunning work, Teri! Thank you so much for sharing and being one of the contributors!
(NB: Text arrangement on MS PowerPoint by Kathy Uyen Nguyen. Please note that text/graphics will be in this format.)
To check out more of Teri's work, you can click on the following link(s): Teri H. Hoover Photography (Facebook) Teri H. Hoover Photography (blog) A Small Stone Gathering (blog) @tmhHoover (Twitter) Please do promote this new feature on Facebook, Twitter, etc.! Thanks so much for all the support! And look, my blog now has buttons (see below) to make your life easier! Come back tomorrow for a new artist/author feature!
nice to see another small stoner here!