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Thursday, August 9, 2012

August Blog Bash, Day 9 - Asni Amin

Welcome to the Debut of the August Blog Bash 2012!
I am very much excited and honored to be hosting this new feature series... and it is a great way to end the summer!  This Blog Bash is an impressive talent showcase of poets, artists, and writers/authors from all walks of life.  For each day of this month, one individual will be featured here on this blog, at Origami Lotus Stones, my Twitter (hashtag will be #augblogbash), my Facebook community page, and on my blog page on Writing Our Way Home.  Please be patient while I post on all platforms. 
**Please note that all authors/artists have given me permission to post their work on the following platforms/sites I have just mentioned.  Please do not plagiarize, modify, reproduce, or distribute any work without permission from the original authors/artists.  Thank you!** If you are interested in participating in this Blog Bash, feel free to check out the details here.
Today's Feature:  Asni Amin summer solstice-AA
First, please join me in welcoming Asni Amin to the haiku community!  She just recently delved into the haiku world this past February, and so far, I've seen her work slowly but gradually blossoming!  In "[summer solstice]," there is a transition period between the end of spring and the start of summer ("summer solstice") as represented by a butterfly (the kigo) "[lingering]" a bit longer "on the verandah."  In reading this haiku once again, I too feel as if though both the speaker/poet and the butterfly are enjoying this moment together.  After all, the moment of lingering as mentioned in the haiku does make the solstice day stretch even longer.
Bali moon-AA
In this lovely tanka, I love the contrast between movement and stillness as well as the sense of playfulness.  From an overall perspective, both the "Bali moon" and the poet/speaker are gazing at one another perhaps in a stationary position.  However, on a much deeper level, the moon and the poet's thoughts are weaving "in and out" of each other creating that sense of playful dance, except the moon takes the lead on the dance floor here (as indicated by "you drift").  If you look up the location of Bali, it is a province in Indonesia known for its deeply rooted artistic culture such as in dance and music.  Thus, it is quite fitting to see a "Bali moon" in this poem.  I can only imagine a very intimate scene in this tanka.  On another reading, perhaps the "you" in this tanka doesn't mean that the poet is addressing the moon, it could be someone else--like a lover. Lovely work, Asni!  Thank you so much for sharing and being one of the contributors!  Also, I want to wish you a wonderful HAPPY NATIONAL DAY FOR SINGAPORE!  It was "pure coincidence" that your feature is set for August 9th!  Thanks for telling me!  (August 9th is to commemorate Singapore's independence from Malaysia in 1965.) (NB:  Text arrangement on MS PowerPoint by Kathy Uyen Nguyen.  Please note that text/graphics will be in this format.)

To check out more of Asni's work, you can click on the following link(s): A Walk in My Heart! (blog) Please do promote this new feature on Facebook, Twitter, etc.!  Thanks so much for all the support!  And look, my blog now has buttons (see below) to make your life easier!  Come back tomorrow for a new artist/author feature!

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